Deploying Next.js Apps on Netlify: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Deploying Next JS Apps on Netlify
Are you looking to deploy your Next.js application seamlessly? Look no further! Netlify offers a hassle-free solution to host your Next.js apps with ease.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of deploying your Next.js app on Netlify, complete with code examples to make your journey smoother.
Deploying Next JS Apps on Netlify

Why Choose Next.js and Netlify?

Next.js is a popular React framework that provides server-side rendering, static site generation, and routing support out of the box. It's renowned for its developer-friendly features and excellent performance.

Netlify, on the other hand, is a powerful platform for hosting static sites and serverless functions. It offers continuous deployment, automatic HTTPS, and CDN distribution, making it an ideal choice for deploying Next.js applications.

Step 1: Set Up Your Next.js App

Assuming you have a Next.js app ready to go, the first step is to ensure it's set up correctly for deployment. Make sure your `package.json` file includes the necessary scripts for building your app:
"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start"
Run `npm run build` to generate the production-ready build of your Next.js app.

Step 2: Create a Netlify Account and Connect Your Repository

If you haven't already, sign up for a Netlify account. Once logged in, connect your Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket) containing your Next.js app.

Step 3: Configure Your Netlify Deployment Settings

After connecting your repository, configure the deployment settings:

1. Build Command: Set this to `npm run build`.
2. Publish Directory: Specify the directory where Next.js builds your app. Typically, this is `out` or `build`.

Step 4: Deploy Your Next.js App

With your settings configured, trigger the deployment process. Netlify will automatically build and deploy your Next.js app. Once the deployment is complete, you'll receive a unique URL where your app is live.

Step 5: Test and Monitor Your Deployed Next.js App

After deployment, thoroughly test your Next.js app on Netlify to ensure everything works as expected. Netlify provides insightful analytics and monitoring tools to keep track of your app's performance and usage.


Deploying your Next.js app on Netlify is a straightforward process that offers numerous benefits, including seamless deployment, automatic HTTPS, and CDN distribution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly get your Next.js app up and running on the web for the world to see.

Start deploying your Next.js app on Netlify today and experience the power of hassle-free hosting!

Remember, if you encounter any issues or have questions along the way, Netlify's extensive documentation and supportive community are there to assist you at every step. Happy deploying!

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